Ikari Shintō ni Hassuru (怒り心頭に発する - Getting Furious)

Jun 15, 2018 16:14
Ikari Shintō ni hassuru

For the last two days, I introduced you to idioms that mean a feeling of anger.

If you want to express your feeling of stronger anger, you can say "ikari shintō ni hassuru" (怒り心頭に発する).

Ikari (怒り) means 'anger,' shintō (心頭) means 'heart/mind,' and hassuru (発する) means 'to generate,' so the literal meaning of this idiom is "anger generates from one's heart."

However, according to a poll conducted several years ago, around 67.1% of Japanese people misunderstand that "ikari shintō ni hassuru" is "ikari shintō ni tassuru" (怒り心頭に達する - anger reaches one's heart).



「怒り」は 'anger,' 「心頭」は 'heart/mind,' 「発する」は 'to generate' を意味するので、この言葉の文字通りの意味は "anger generates from one's heart" となります。

No. 1 artboy598's correction
  • For the last two days, I introduced you to idioms that mean a feeling of anger.
  • For the last two days, I introduced you to idioms that express a feeling of anger.
  • If you want to express your feeling of stronger anger, you can say "ikari shintō ni hassuru" (怒り心頭に発する).
  • If you want to express your feelings of stronger anger, you can say "ikari shintō ni hassuru" (怒り心頭に発する).
  • Ikari (怒り) means 'anger,' shintō (心頭) means 'heart/mind,' and hassuru (発する) means 'to generate,' so the literal meaning of this idiom is "anger generates from one's heart."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, according to a poll conducted several years ago, around 67.1% of Japanese people misunderstand that "ikari shintō ni hassuru" is "ikari shintō ni tassuru" (怒り心頭に達する - anger reaches one's heart).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thanks for teaching me idioms. I love learning them!
Thank you very much always for correcting my post! (^^)